“Big Eyes” video!
0Hi everybody!
Hope you’re all having a wonderful summer so far and enjoying the sunshine. Here’s a live version of “Big Eyes” that was shot at the beautiful St James Hall earlier this year when we released the album (see the ‘Music’ page to get your copy!). It features a rather sweaty and slightly-out-of-breath version of Jimmy but that’s how we keep it real! (hey, I work hard and this one was late in the set 😉
Huge thanks go to the fantastic crew at Syndicate Seven Films for shooting and editing- these boys are slick! Check them out here:Â http://syndicatesevenfilms.com/
I’ll keep this one short but just want to mention how much fun we all had working on this and how great it is to have this footage of the band- watch out for more!
Plans are in the works for another bigger, better show this fall with lots of new material- possibly a new look and sound for the band; and a new single to be released later this year. More on that to come.
Have fun and take care out there. Love yourselves and each other 🙂